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Rules Of Conduct
Rules Of Conduct
Every student should bring with him/her daily the school diary.
Every student is expected to behave in disciplined manner in the school premises.
Annual fair is highlight event of the year as school generates income for charity and school development purpose.
All the students should come to school clean and tidy in their school uniform. All are obliged to wear the school uniform only.
Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. If a student is absent due to illness or any other valid reason, the class teacher/ School management should be informed about it.
Care must be taken for all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Each class will be responsible for looking after all class property.
Running, playing or shouting inside the school building and on the veranda is not allowed.
Students at Sunrise Kids World are requested to speak English in the school premises.
Students are expected to be in the school by 8:15 A.M during Summer and 8:30 A.M in Winter.
The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, books, clothes etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school office.
Students are prohibited from wearing gold ornaments in the school.